There are two main types of pre-employment exams - company drug screens and company physicals. At our occupational medicine clinic, we offer both tests. Our company physicals are similar to annual exams that you would receive from your family physician. However, at these appointments, we evaluate a person’s overall health and test an employee’s ability to perform job-related functions rather than reviewing the family history and a full physical check.
Our company physicals check for strength, flexibility, and stamina. Some areas cannot be discriminated against including high blood pressure, heart conditions, and asthma. If you are in need of company drug screens, company physicals, or another occupational testing, rely on the team at WellNow Health, serving the Dickinson and Houston, TX areas.
Our occupational medicine clinic would be happy to work with your company to design prevention regimens that meet the needs of your workforce and help you create a healthy bottom line. We can also assist businesses with company drug screens during the interview/hiring process.